Rob, Clark, Bram and my brother went by bike.
After some breakdowns. The bike's bikes arrived around 1.30 am at the site, and we all had a fantastic weekend.
The chain of Rob's brand new killer Iron had ripped a hole in the oil tank and was pissing down oil. And the bolds of the handlebars of my brothers shovel had came loose and destroyed the tread of the handlebars.
So they arrived with 2 bikes and one backup van with 2 sick bikes.
Here are some of the pic's
The Cars

Flad Gead

The Bikes

Super nice duo

At the camp site

Rob & Keith (Eat Dust team)


My brother Keith

Thanx to all for a great weekend and to my wife Gene for organizing the catering and providing us with cold booze
Thx again for the catering and great weekend !! -B-